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Nuovo singolo Some time ago di Elisa. Video da ascoltare. Testo

Il nuovo inedito di Elisa

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Nuovo singolo Some time ago di Elisa. Video da ascoltare. Testo

Si intitola ‘Some time ago’ il nuovo singolo, inedito, di Elisa estratto dall’ultimo album ‘Ivy’. Il disco, insieme a cover e canzoni riarrangiate, comprende 17 brani, di cui tre sono inediti, scritti e composti dalla stessa cantautrice friulana e sono ‘Nostalgia’, ‘Fresh Air’ e ‘Some Time Ago’.

Solo per la realizzazione del primo inedito, Elisa si è avvalsa della collaborazione musicale di Andrea Rigonat. Bello il risultato: si tratta di un lavoro molto emozionante che, infatti, sta facendo riscuotere alla cantautrice un grandissimo successo.
Testo- Some Time Ago
Some time ago I was watching the leaves
lost in that world, in that life
beneath the blue skin
above my head
Some time ago I was fighting my pain
fighting to win
just like it was a game
and I thought it would never end
and now I am somewhere else
oh, I came just to visit
and I don’t think I’ll stay
any longer… any longer…
So I’ll see you
some day
yeah, I’ll see you sometime
sometime, yeah
Some time ago I was watching the leaves
lost in that world, in that life
beneath the blue sky above my head
‘n some time ago I was fighting my pain
fighting to win
just like it was a game
and I thought it would never end
But now that I am somewhere else
oh, I came just to visit,
and I don’t think I’ll stay
any longer… any longer…
So I’ll see you
some day
yeah, I’ll see you sometime
And… just like you said one time
you can go, you can go
you can go I’ll be fine, yeah I’ll be fine
you can go I’ll be fine, just fine
Some time ago I was watching the leaves
lost in that world, in that life
beneath the blue…

Autore: Redazione

Categoria: Musica - Tutti gli articoli della categoria



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